MUSTAFA G. SAYGIN MD.PhD. Assist.Professor.
CardioVascular and Endovascular Surgeon.
Nisantasi University
SayginKlinik Medical & Aesthetic Center
Ortaklar Cad. No 51
Sisli, Istanbul, TURKIYE
Skype ID : mgsaygin
GSM : 90-532-20 66 500
Office : 90 541 577 70 70
OBJECTIVE : As a cardiovascular surgeon in active clinical practice since 1998; in addition to performing clinical cardiac and vascular surgery procedures on a daily basis; secondary career emphasis has been given onto research and development on stem cell therapy and angioneogenesis, vein restorative procedures and 3D custom varix stocking production. I have four patent application files regarding aforementioned issues. I am founder of Cardiovascular and thoracic surgery department of Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital, İstanbul(2013), Founder of Trakya University Department of Cardiovascular Surgery,Edirne (1998) Founder of Kalp Aritmi Heart Hospital Bursa(2005) and Finally SayginKlinik Medical& Aesthetic Center in Sisli İstanbul.( June 2019)
My current practice covers 1 adult open heart case and 2 major vascular surgery & Venous cases a day and also includes EVAR, TEVAR cases and, iliac, renal and carotid stenting and femoral & distal tibial PCI interventions.
I am currently Director and Consultant Physician and Surgeon for Saygin Klinik and its affiliated hospitals. Current program covers both thoracic & cardiıovascular patients and Aesthetic patients.
Izmir Ataturk Highschool. ( 1986 -1989 )
National Medical School & University Election Exams ( MCAT )
(1989 – Best-Top 1% success grade amongst nearly 700.000 University candidates.)
Marmara University School Of Medicine; 1989 – 1997 Istanbul,Turkey
(Medical Education in English – 7 years of Medical Training)
Michigan University School of Medicine:
(Clinical Clerkship in Thoracic Surgery May 1995)
(Tutorship by Dr. Steven Bolling )
Molecular Biology PhD. Training : Marmara University. 1997 ( 1 year training.)
Graduation from Marmara University School of Medicine. ( curriculum of instruction is in English during 7 years of medical training) March 1997
Passed April 1996 TUS Exams at first attempt.( National Residency Election Exams; Top 1% success grade amongst 17.000 MD Residency Candidates)
General Surgery Residency ( Haydarpasa Numune Hospital – Istanbul 1997 – 1998)
Passed April 1998 TUS Second Time.(National Residency Election Exams; Top 1% success grade amongst 18.700 MD Residency Candidates.)
Residency : Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Trakya University School Of Medicine. Residency commenced : June 4th 1998
Graduation as a Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon July 4th 2003
Passed United States Medical Licensing Exams. ( All at First Attempt)
( Gained ECFMG Certificate 2000 )
ECFMG Certificate Active. ( No: 0 – 499 – 466 – 3 Valid Indefinitely)
( USA Medical Doctor Board and Eligibility Diploma)
Passed TOEFL exam 2005 ( Top %1 Score – Score 612 / 256 CBT)
Passed IELTS general exam with grade 7. ( 2013)
Passed English Language Exam (YDS ) applied by Turkish University Authorities Grade 95 /100
Texas Heart Institute Cardiovascular Surgery Clinical Fellow. ( 2001 – 2002 )
(Supervisory of Dr Denton Cooley, Dr. Michael Duncan and Dr. David Ott)
Texas Heart Institute and Texas Childrens Hospital Rotations in Thoracic and pediatric cardiac Surgery.
Staff Cardiovascular Surgeon, Bursa State Hospital, (2003 – 2006)
Staff Cardiovascular Surgeon, Heart & Arrythmia Hospital.Bursa( 2006 – 2013 )
Consultant Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon, Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital ( Ministry of Health) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery.
( September 2013 – September 2016)
Consultant : Consultant Thoracic & Cardiovascular & Endovascular Surgeon, Avrupa Safak Hospital. (September 2016 – July 2019 )
Consultant & Director : Saygin Klinik, Sisli, İstanbul ( Since July 2019) and Derindere Hospital
PhD : Biophysics; Trakya University, Edirne Turkey (Since 2017)
ECFMG Certificate (Educational Comission for foreign Medical Graduates ) USA
European Board of CardioThoracic Surgery.
European Board of Vascular Surgery.
Texas State Medical Board.
RESEARCH : TUBITAK – BAYG ( Turkish Scientific Research Foundation) Research support grant. “ Cellular Therapy for immunetolerance in Heterotopic Heart transplantation in Rats”
Effect of Transmyocardial Laser Revascularisation on Low Ejection Fraction Cardiac Failure Patients. ( Cardiovascular Surgery Specialisation Thesis)
Microvascular Surgery Specialist Certificate ( Istanbul Capa University).
Performed hundreds of heterotopic heart transplants in rats and guinea pigs for the first time in Turkey.
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery Intensive Care.
Cardiovascular experimental and biomedical reseach.
Aesthetic Medicine
Stem Cell Therapy & Angioneogenesis.
Operative Log :
Residency Log : During 5 year residency period; attended 550 cardiac surgery and 1300 vascular surgery cases; nearly 10% of those cases were performed as primary sugeon in the 5th year of the residency program.
During Clinical Fellowship year at the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Texas Heart Institute; I had the opportunity of attending and scrub for nearly 550 open heart cases. ( 2001 – 2002 )
Afterwards, since 2003;
Nearly 1500 Open Heart Surgery cases Performed independently as single surgeon including OpCABs, double valves, ascending aortic replacements Bentall and Redo cases with overall operative mortality of %2 (In Euroscore 4 – 6 Group)
Nearly 3500 major vascular surgery cases has been performed as a single surgeon independently, case load including Abdominal Aortic surgeries, carotid and femoral artery surgeries, high volume of AV Fistula Cases, more than 2000 Endovenous Laser and Endovenous RF cases.
Endovascular experience covers over 1500 cases of iliac, renal and peripheral vascular stenting as primary surgeon. EVAR has been performed on 155 cases independently as a single surgeon w Anaconda system. TEVAR application in only 98 cases. Interventional peripheric arterial atherectomy and Deep venous thrombosis therapy with mechanical thrombolysis by EKOS and Trellis systems performed in high number of patients.
Dramatic number of case experience in war and trauma vascular and thoracic surgery. ( Military service and high case load of Sisli Etfal hospital which is in the center of İstanbul.)
Registered digital Archive of Operative Log Book is available upon your request.
SCIENTIFIC PAPERS : 2 international and 5 national scientific papers. SCI :8
9 international and 5 national Congresses attended.
3 international congresses attended routinely since 2007.
Current Job Positions :.
Assistant Professor, Nisantasi Üniversity, Maslak İstanbul
Thoracic & Cardiovascular and endovascular positions in clinical grounds.
Research and / or Clinical Adjunct CardioVascular & Endovascular Surgeon.
PhD &Research Fellow; Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey.
Personal: 48 years old, Male, Caucasian Highly Competent in spoken and written English
Interests : Sailing, Tennis, Fishing, diving, surfing.
Voluntary medical physical exams of poor elderly seniors in urban . areas
References :
Prof. Dr. Enver Duran. Dean Cardiovascular Surgery. Arel Universityl.
Assoc. Prof. İsmail Koramaz, Chief, Cardiac Surgeon, Sisli Etfal Hospital.
Assoc. Prof. Ali Kocailik. MD. Cardiovascular Surgeon. Istanbul Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Melih Us. CardioVascular Surgeon.
Prof.Dr. George Reul, Texas Heart Institute. Houston, USA
Prof. Dr. David Ott, Texas Heart Institute.Houston, USA
Prof. M. Halit Andac MD. Chief, Cardiovascular Surgery. Cekirge Heart Hospital
Prof. David Saba MD. Head, Cardiovascular Surgery.Uludag University Bursa.
Prof. Hayati Özkan MD. Chief, Acibadem Hospital, Bursa Turkey.