As a cardiovascular surgeon in active clinical practice since 1998; in addition to performing clinical cardiac and vascular surgery procedures on a daily basis; secondary career emphasis has been given onto research and development on stem cell therapy and angioneogenesis, vein restorative procedures and 3D custom varix stocking production. I have four patent application files regarding aforementioned issues. I am founder of Cardiovascular and thoracic surgery department of Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital, İstanbul(2013), Founder of Trakya University Department of Cardiovascular Surgery,Edirne (1998) Founder of Kalp Aritmi Heart Hospital Bursa(2005) and Finally SayginKlinik Medical& Aesthetic Center in Sisli İstanbul.( June 2019)
My current practice covers 1 adult open heart case and 2 major vascular surgery & Venous cases a day and also includes EVAR, TEVAR cases and, iliac, renal and carotid stenting and femoral & distal tibial PCI interventions.
I am currently Director and Consultant Physician and Surgeon for Saygin Klinik and its affiliated hospitals. Current program covers both thoracic & cardiıovascular patients and Aesthetic patients.